Parts & Accessories

This is stuff to make your ride more enjoyable.

Auto Racks

How to carry your bike on your car or truck? We have racks from Thule and Saris. We have roof top systems, trailer hitch racks, rear strap racks and spare tire racks. See the fit guides for the right one for your car, or we can help you.

Bags and Panniers

How to carry stuff on your bike? We have commuter and touring bags from Jandd and Vaude and one wheel cargo trailers from BOB. We can help you go grocery shopping or ride to Tierra del Fuego.

Child Carriers

Do you want to carry your child on your bike? We have child seats from Copilot, and bike trailers from Burley, Chariot, Avenir and Inline. Child seats are a bit less expensive, but only carry 40 pounds. Trailers will go up to 100 pounds. We also have pedal trailers that attach to an adult's bike, so the young companion can help pedal.


Why the strange fashions? Lots of reasons besides the flash. Safety, temperature control and efficiency are some. "Screaming Yellow" jackets will help even Santa Fe drivers to see you. Insulated winter and rain gear can make riding possible on challenging days. Special fabrics can wick away moisture and provide for changing conditions. Slick fabrics do make you go faster. We have clothing from Pearl Izumi, Sugoi, Bellwether, and Smartwool; insulated winter gear, gloves, shoes and "New Mexico" jerseys and socks.

Food and Nutrition

What is the optimim fuel for a long ride? We have products from Hammer Nutrition, Powerbar and Clif.


Are you riding after dark? Drivers can definitely hit what they don't see. Flashing L.E.D. lights let cars see you. These are amazingly cheap and effective. And if you want enough power to light up the dark for night mountain biking, we have that, too.


Flat pedals, clip and strap, or clipless pedals? We have them all.


Floor pumps, frame pumps and CO2 dispensers, which ones do you need? All of them will put air in your tires. We recommend using a floor pump with a gauge at home to fill your tires, and carrying some type of inflation device to repair flats while riding.


What seat is best? Comfort, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. We stock a wide array of saddles, from performance models to tractor seats.


How secure is your parking situation? Lock your bike or you could lose it. Cable locks are easy to use but also relatively easy to cut. Reinforced cables are far more secure. U-locks are the highest level of security, but weigh a lot more.


Is it too cold and icy outside to ride? A trainer turns your bike into an exercise bike. The resistance can be wind, magnetic or fluid. Wind resistance is inexpensive but very noisy. Mag trainers use a magnet to provide resistance. In the real world, it takes 4 times as much power to go twice as fast, but with a mag trainer, it only takes twice the effort. A fluid trainer solves this problem. Fluid resistance is just a fan in a mineral oil bath, providing an exponential resistance ratio but being quiet.

Tires and Tubes

How to prevent flats? This is the single most important maintenance issue for a cyclist. Flat tires can the bane of cyclists. We recommend sealant tubes in all mountain bikes, and if weight and performance are less of a concern, use thorn resistant tubes with sealant. On road and touring bikes, sealant is not as effective, because of the higher pressures, and we recommend belted tires.


On the road, as a minimum, we recommend you carry a pump, tire levers and a spare tube. A multi tool can be quite useful if you know how to use it. To work on your own bike, you will need proper and sometimes special tools. We have all the tools you need.


Wheels are the defining characteristic of a bicycle. Remember, the original name for a cyclist was a "wheelman." We have replacement wheels for almost any bike. We have super light wheels for upgrades and we can hand build a wheel for you.